Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Want More?

Here it is guys and gals the thing everyone wants. No, It's not by Stephenie Meyer so technically it's not part of the Twilight series, but it might as well be because it IS about Bella, Edward, Renesmee, Jacob, and the rest of the Cullen clan. It starts 6 years after breaking dawn and it is an excellent read. It is called Alysium and the writer has a similar style to Meyer's. I read the entire thing in one day so I would say it's pretty good :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


I really want to become a citizen of England, but I have no idea how! Can anyone help me? I've wanted to live there my whole life and want to begin working there after graduating college. I just am lost on how to apply for citizenship. HELP!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Twilight and New Moon Music

There are alot of great songs on the Twilight movie soundtrack including a beautiful song by Robert Pattinson himself called "Never Think". It's a simple guitar background with a soft melody. It reminds me of Bella and Edward's first kiss, beautiful but very careful. Carter Burwell also does fabulously with Bella's lullaby, and Paramore brings an upbeat song to the album. Now to debate some music for New Moon. Since the Twilight series is unique in itself I feel that new and different artists should be used for the New Moon soundtrack. One that I have recently discovered is a girl named Hana Pestle. She has an Evanescence feel to her (she actually wrote some songs for them) and the first time I heard "Need" I almost cried. It is the perfect New Moon song and makes you remember the pain Bella felt when Edward left her. You can find her on Myspace and check out her other songs as well because she is a great artist. If you have any other suggestions let me know!

View Need by Hana Pestle. She is a great artist!

Haunting Barnes and Noble

Like every woman/girl in America, Brazil, England, and who knows where else I have become a huge and adoring fan of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. From the moment I picked up that 500 page book, I couldn't put it down. Barnes and Noble had to practically kick me out at 11:00 at night(I had been there since 1 that afternoon). Since my time was up, of course, I had to buy the book. The second I got home I jumped into bed and continued reading. Reluctantly, at 4:00 a.m. I closed the book in the middle of the chase. My dreams that night were only of Edward and the love I wish someone had for me (and the fact I wanted so much to be a vampire, too). The next day I continued reading until, sadly, the book was over. I craved more. It was practically the only thing I could think about. Everyday I went back to B & N to continue the series. I would have bought all of them in one day but unfortunately I didn't have the money. So I would grab a book from the counter, run to snag the best reading chair in the place, and continue my journey through Forks until closing time. This routine continued for a whole week until I was finally done with the series. I cried. I wanted more. More Edward, more vampires, more werewolves, more love. Seeing things through Bella's eyes made me feel like I was a part of the story. My real life seemed oddly dull after a life in Forks. The only thing to do was read them again. And life is oh so bittersweet. I was in love with Edward Cullen. How? How could I be in love with someone I have never met? On top of all that, how could I be in love with someone who wasn't real? It just didn't make any sense. Why should it be that the first time I am in love is with a book? For a few months I was extremely depressed. No one out there could be as perfect as him. I was dissapointed when I saw men-which now looked like little boys- walking to and from classes on campus. None of them sparkled in the sun, or had golden eyes, or could make my heart feel like it was beating a million times a second. No one made me feel like Edward did. And then came the movie. I started to become interested in Robert Pattinson when I found out he would be playing Edward. I was thinking what man on earth could be as picturesque as Edward? It's not possible! But oh boy was I wrong. Robert is the only one who is a compatable fit for Edward. Sure he doesn't read minds or have superhero strength but that didn't matter anymore. (Of course his looks caught my eyes right from the start). After watching him in a number of interviews I realized that he was modest, and sincere, and maybe even a little shy. It was oddly mesmerizing and "dazzling"(sorry had to use that word because that's just what he is). He is a true gentleman which is a very rare find in someone so completely gorgeous (maybe it's an English thing?). So as I continue to write more Blogs revolving around the twilight realm please feel free to comment-BE NICE!-and share your love of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, the cast of characters or Stephenie Meyer. Because we all need a little love in our lives.

Do you love the Twilight music? Check out my take on music for NewMoon and view an up-and-coming artist.